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FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST 1. Sezon 41. Bölüm | Wpdeo Rise TEST
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    FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST 1. Sezon 41. Bölüm

    The Abyss Türkçe Dublaj

    ( Toplamda 0 oy verildi. )

      24.01.2010   138

    Miles and his men set off with the intent of killing Kimblee and his henchmen, something Ed objects to. As Scar's group exits the mine, they find Al, who warns them about Central infiltrating Briggs, so Scar decides to take them towards an Ishbalan slum. Miles' group attempts to snipe Kimblee, but Kimblee has already figured out their intent and uses a cover of snow to enter the mines. Ed tries to follow, but is attacked by two more chimeras. Ed disables them by using the ammonia in dynamite to make a stink bomb to overwhelm their high sense of smell. Ed then knocks the Philosopher's Stone out of Kimblee's hand, but Kimblee uses another Stone hidden inside his mouth, sending Ed and the chimeras down a mine shaft and leaving Ed impaled by a steel bar. At the same time, Al starts to drift out of consciousness, saying his soul is being drawn back to his body. Determined not to die, Ed gets the chimeras to remove the bar while he sacrifices some of his life span to temporarily fix the wound and to stop the bleeding. The chimeras find the Philosopher's Stone that Kimblee dropped, and, thankful for their rescue, decide to take Ed to a doctor.


    İMDb : 8.4 64 Bölüm

        8.4   330

    Edward and Alphonse Elrics reckless disregard for alchemys fun­damental laws ripped half of Eds limbs from his body and left Als soul clinging to a cold suit of armor. To restore what was lost, the brothers scour a war-torn land for the Philosophers Sto­ne, a fabled relic which grants the ability to perform alchemy in impossible ways.The Elrics are not alone in their search; the corrupt State Military is also eager to harness the artifacts power. So too are the strange Homunculi and their shadowy creator. The mythical gem lures exotic alchemists from distant kingdoms, scarring some deeply enough to inspire murder. As the Elrics find their course altered by these enemies and allies, their purpose remains unchanged – and their bond unbreakable.
    •  Durum: Devam Ediyor
    •  Orjinal Adı: 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST
    •  İlk Yayın Tarihi: 05.04.2009
    •  Bölüm Süresi: 25 Dakika
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